Thursday, December 26, 2013


I've finally had some free time today, and I spent most of it working outside in my garden and greenhouse. I planted two 72-cell trays of flower seeds using Black Gold Seedling Mix.

Planted Dahlia - Pompon and Calendula - December 2013

The Calendula Mixture (calendula officinalis) is from Seed Savers Exchange. Most of the cells had one seed placed in. Some had two seeds simply because an extra fell in while I was placing them in the cells. The seed packet indicates the germination rate is 5-15 days.

The Dahlia-Pompon is from The package suggested to sow 2-3 seeds per plant. The germination rate is 7-21 days with a temperature of 70-85 degrees. I might use the heating mat with these. Hopefully, each will have a good germination rate.

Tomorrow I will start seed of more flowers. I want to start the spring flowers now, so in 6-8 weeks I can transplant them in the yard. That puts them mid-end February. The cool season flowers I will start now and transplant in February. The warm season flowers I will start in March and transplant the end of April and beginning of May.

6 weeks later...

So excited to see my Calendula and Dahlia-Pompon doing so well at 6 weeks! I'm hardening them off right now, and hope to transplant them sometime next week!

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