Wednesday, May 13, 2015


It's been about 10 months since my last post. It will only take four words to sum up the reason for my lapse in gardening (because I have done very little in my garden since last summer) ... morning sickness, pregnancy, newborn!

Below you'll recall my beautiful garden around this time LAST year.
Spring 2014 Garden

Let us take a look at my present garden.
Spring 2015 Garden

Grapeleaf Skeletonizer larvae
So much work to do! At least my herbs are growing nicely. I actually didn't get the squash and peppers planted until just a couple weeks ago. The tomatoes, my husband and I planted the beginning of April. Last year, I over watered everything. It was great for all my lettuces because they were lush and green. Unfortunately, though my tomato plants were lush and green, they did not yield very much fruit at all. This year my husband was determined "he" was going to plant the tomatoes and regulate their watering. I must admit, that while they look terrible, they are already yielding fruit quite nicely. (Though, I still think they need more water.)

I was out this morning removing leaves from my grape vines that are infested with the grapeleaf skeletonizer. Now that I know what to look for, I was determined to catch them early this year. I did notice the moths a few weeks ago, but I just haven't been able to get outside to do anything about it. This morning I removed numerous infested leaves and hosed the grape vines down with water. Tonight after the sun sets, I'll spray the leaves with Neem Oil.

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